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Winner Ganador Fitness
(773) 543 - 8367 to start getting fit!
Fitness For Life
Call us today
Greetings, due to popular demands I have decided to organize a FREE "Winners fitness run" - this is a 5k (3.1miles) run which will be scheduled to start 3pm (BE THERE 2:45PM) at Winner Ganador fitness center ( 5790 N Lincoln avenue) every Sunday regardless of the weather. Participants are required to wear running attire and show up at least 15mins before take off. This event will help us stay motivated and improve our fitness level. Keep in mind, we all have different fitness levels, so don't feel intimidated because you think you're out of shape - I guarantee your time and fitness level will improve the more you run. We encourage you to come out and jog at your own pace and gradually improve your fitness level. For weekly sign up - Let us know you're going to the invent through Facebook or go and click on "join us" then send a message "in" with your name and email. Spaces are limited, so please sign up quick. Hope to see you all there and feel free to invite a friend
Tel. (773) 543-8367
2633 W Bryn Mawr avenue
Chicago, IL
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